Wednesday, November 12, 2014

I thought I'd wait a month but I really wanted to play ranked.

Match 1 :

     Champion : Rengar.
     Role : Jungle.
     Build Order : Mandreds -> Mobility Boots -> Brutalizer -> Wriggles -> Bilgewater -> Dagger.
     Runes : 

     Masteries : 

     Notes : This game was a little awkward. I managed to snag jungle in champ select and was excited since Rengar is by far my best champion. Normally, how I play Rengar is I get my first buff, immediately look to see where the enemy jungler started, and then invade them at level 2. Nearly 100% of the time, this results in a first blood. Unfortunately, I walked into the enemy jungler as he was doing his red buff (dragged into the bush). Instead of pulling back, I was a little greedy and tried to force a fight with him. I was winning and he flashed away. However, instead of taking that victory, I tried to all in under turret (keep in mind, I'm level 2) and I got first blooded. From there on, the enemy Jarvan immediately had a huge advantage on me and proceeded to do the proper thing which was to keep me down. He maintained ward control in my jungle, took camps, and watched where I was planning on ganking to counter the ganks. I was basically destroyed this game & had to request teammates help to clear wards. 

     What should have happened this game was, for one, I shouldn't have killed myself trying to get first blood on J4. If that didn't happen, the game wouldn't have snowballed as hard. However, that wasn't the only mistake. I also didn't place as many wards as I should have, especially in my jungle entrances. This let him have free roam in my jungle. I placed maybe a total of 15 wards this game but since I was set behind as Rengar, I really should have invested a lot more gold into wards and acted as a sort of vision bot while my team carried me. Instead, I tried to get back into the game myself, despite being 0-3 at this point and putting out zero damage. This resulted in Jarvan continuing to snowball which let him take complete control over the game. He managed to take almost every dragon & our team suffered entirely because of my lapse in judgement. 

     TL;DR : Try not to suicide for first blood. It's not worth your buff, especially if you uh, don't get the kill and just give the enemy jungler first blood. If you're set incredibly behind by great counterganks by the enemy jungler, invest a lot of gold in wards and build tanky. Let your teammates carry you. Don't just tilt & try to carry the game yourself, especially if playing a jungler that needs to make a strong early/mid game impact.

     Match 2 : 

Champion : Rengar.
Role : Top
Build Order : Dorans x 4 -> Tiamat -> Last Whisper -> Brutalizer -> Mobility Boots -> Youmuu's -> Ravenous Hydra -> Alacrity enchantment.
Runes : 
Masteries : 

     Notes : Another awkward Rengar game. This time, I played top lane because our team had a jungle main who said they couldn't play another role. 

     There were a few critical mistakes I made this game. The key mistake was I misplayed in lane early on (around 5 minutes) by accidentally jumping to a ward Jarvan placed. This put me in a precarious position where I was suddenly in the middle of his minion wave with 70% health vs his 100% health. I also had 3 ferocity at the time and had to flash away. Unfortunately, I wasted my flash & he got a kill on me. I bought a second Doran's & headed back to lane. Jarvan overstayed for an extra minion wave & I managed to get a kill on him though I died again due to a turret shot, making me 1 - 2 - 0. Shortly after, Akali hit 6 and I let her know that Jarvan had no flash. Since Jarvan had a decent CS lead over me (20 cs) & a kill, he was significantly stronger. Because of that, I stood on a ward he placed in the river & baited him into an all in. Akali jumped on him and we killed him. My score was then 2-2. Afterwards, I focused a lot on farming but made a few misplays that resulted in a lot of deaths. The key thing in this game was that I was splitting a lot. I applied a lot of pressure in top lane at first & then swapped to bot lane after my team wanted to get baron control. The odd thing was the entire enemy team would focus on trying to kill me which would work at times & not work at others. My team rotated around the map and took control of a lot of objectives like Baron & multiple turrets. I'd swap to top anytime Dragon would be close to spawning & they'd try to come kill me resulting in a free Dragon.

     The main thing this game is I 100% did not carry. I farmed up a lot, made the enemy team waste a lot of resources on me, and basically was just a nuisance while my team would spend the game rotating around, taking all the objectives that they could whenever they'd kill me or make an attempt to do so. 

     I could have played this game a lot better by simply snowballing my lane myself but there were a few critical errors in my laning phase. For instance, I engaged Jarvan early on when he had a slightly bigger minion wave (4 minions to my 2). I started fighting him & the minions chunked me significantly. Afterwards, I had to play back because he hit level 2 before me. I would have been fine but he randomly placed a ward and I a moved onto the ward while in a brush, jumping onto it, and basically killed myself. Afterwards, I came back to lane to kill him, as stated above, and killed him. However, since I died right after to the turret, I couldn't push the wave out to the turret which made it so the wave didn't reset. Since the wave didn't reset, the Jarvan played it smart and started to freeze the lane by last hitting minions. This denied me farm and resulted in me having about 13 farm to his 39 farm at 6-7 minutes. I requested some help from my team and they ended up coming (the Akali mainly). That made it so I could actually farm for a bit & I managed to get back into the game. 

     TL;DR : Played split-push. Ended up killing myself a few times which was unnecessary. Distracted the enemy team a lot while still securing farm. Kept ward coverage. Watched as Akali snowballed out of control while I continued to just split, securing a few turrets here and there. 

     That's enough for tonight. I'll probably post more tomorrow. Let me know if there's anything I can improve on via Twitter or comments here. @Lilnovalas. I'll try to get better games in tomorrow where I hopefully don't misplay as much.

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