Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Excited to play Warlords. Ranked while waiting.

Match 1 : 

Champion : Rammus
Role : Jungle
Build Order : 
Runes & Masteries : 

     Notes : This was one of those games where I went AFK during champ select and came back to a Taric top lane. Surprisingly, he wasn't the one who decided to be a rude dude & feed intentionally. Tristana was 0-5 out of laning phase & would keep raging at Taric but nothing you can really do about games like this.

     Instead of ranting about what my teammates did wrong though, lets focus on what I did this game and what I could do to improve. Rammus is a really solid pick in solo queue. His ganks are REALLY strong and incredibly easy to pull off. To start off, we decided to do an invade to secure his red. Unfortunately, our team didn't place any wards, myself included, to see if they would go for my buffs instead. So what ended up happening was that I stole Warwick's red but Warwick not only took my red buff but their bot lane took my blue as well. If I had put a ward at my jungle entrance before I went for the invade & had our Taric put a ward at our red side jungle entrance, it's likely that I wouldn't have been as screwed as I was. Anyways, this resulted in a delay for my level 3. I didn't hit level 3 until the 3:30 mark which is about 15-20 seconds behind. It wasn't the worst that could have happened though. I tried to pull off most of my ganks in mid lane since Syndra was destroying Lux in laning. My options after heading to my top side around 3:30-3:40 was to either gank top or mid. It's generally not worth ganking a lane though if there's almost zero possibility of a summoner spell being burnt, let alone a kill. So instead of heading top, I went mid & tried for a gank. Lux ended up burning a flash & Syndra secured a kill about a minute after. 

     The game was going well until bot lane started losing incredibly hard. I tried to focus a few ganks but it wasn't really worth the time and effort since it turned out that Tristana was level 2 to Lucian's 4 by the time I managed to get down there. Admittedly, I could have potentially killed my wolves & wight and did my first gank in bot lane instead of mid but I may have been a little low after clearing my camps. Anyways, our team lost control over bot lane which made us lose dragon control. I couldn't keep up with the number of times the lane died so I decided to swap focus & force ganks mid which worked out relatively well & we started to come back in the game. With Syndra being relatively fed at the time, we actually managed to secure the 2nd & 3rd dragon after getting a few picks around pink wards that were placed around the dragon area. We lost control of the game incredibly hard though once we went for the 3rd dragon & gave them a free baron. Afterwards, everyone on our team started derping & running in 1v1 despite pings to fall back and give up the inhibitor. It was a relatively unfortunate game & there were an atrocious amount of deaths involved.

     TL;DR : Game was going well until bot lane lost hard. Could have focused ganks in bot lane earlier on to prevent them from losing as hard as they did. Focused ganks in mid which worked out relatively well but Tristana was incredibly behind vs Lucian. Gave the enemy team a free baron because of lack of vision control. One main thing is I feel like I didn't purchase as many wards as I could have. I had a pink on the map the entire game but if I had made sure to keep the enemy jungle warded as well, Warwick may not have gotten as many successful ganks off. 

Match 2 : 

Champion : Master Yi
Role : Jungle
Build Order : 
Runes & Masteries : 

     Notes : Decided to relax for a bit and play a farm champion. The key play for Master Yi is objective control & that was what decided this game in the end. We were losing the game early on but I managed to snag every single dragon in the game starting at 6 minutes. While we were behind on kills, we were actually ahead in gold & snowballed the advantage because of that.

     Starting off, I play Master Yi similarly to Cowsep. Starting one health potion, I start on my red buff, kill my red + two camps, port back, teleport to my blue buff (nearest tower) with a mandreds, and then proceed to power farm. I hit level 6 around 5:30 & proceeded to solo dragon by 6 minutes with a pink ward. Afterwards, I continued to power farm as hard as possible, taking lane farm whenever my laner backed, and ganked whenever my ult was off CD. Once I farmed up my Blade of the Ruined King, I managed to run up to the Tristana and kill her 1v1 despite my bot lane dying & giving her 5 kills. 

     The hard part about this game was that I had to focus on carrying myself. Instead of attempting to help my lanes pre-6, I decided that it'd be better in the end if I were to focus on hitting 6, securing an objective (dragon), and then using my ult on CD to gank top & mid lane (mainly because bot was losing too hard). Eventually, I started to focus bot once I had my Feral Flare & Blade of the Ruined King. Fighting Tristana normally wouldn't have been possible despite having my items but since I were able to dodge her ultimate & auto reset with my meditate, I managed to get enough damage out to just barely kill her. Once I shut her down, I started to snowball REALLY hard and went around killing whoever I found by themselves, even purchasing homeguards to just run around & catch people out. Around 24 minutes, I went ahead and soloed baron by dodging his autos & his little goop crap.  We just continued to snowball our lead, maintain vision, force unfavorable fights for the enemy team, and then take as many turrets as possible. 

     TL;DR : Focused on taking as many objectives as possible (e.g. dragon/turrets). Farmed up enough to do more damage than the fed ADC. Killed her and snowballed hard. Snowballed the lead, snuck an early baron, and pushed as 5 to win the game.

     That's enough for today. I'm going to relax and play Warlords of Draenor now. If you have any feedback, comment here or send me a tweet at @Lilnovalas. Thanks for reading!

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