Tuesday, November 11, 2014


     Hiya guys. I'm Nabi (Tem), ign : Novalas. I'm a jungle main in League of Legends. 

     Prior to playing this game, I used to be a hardcore raider on World of Warcraft, reaching top US 100 multiple times in a 25M guild known as "Exiled Legion." I also ranked incredibly high on fights as a Restoration Shaman throughout the Dragon Soul raid as well as the first tier in Mists of Pandaria. Shortly after that, I fell off incredibly hard due to quickly losing interest in the game. I met a few people who were League of Legends players and the game clicked for me incredibly fast. 

     In about a year, I managed to climb from mid Silver (which I accomplished shortly after hitting level 30) all the way up to Diamond. Now, my goal is to hit Challenger in Season 5. The purpose of this blog will be to document my climb on my main account "Novalas" who is Platinum V at the moment.

     The goal of this blog is to help me in two ways and help the community as well. The first and foremost goal is to use this blog as a way of tracking my progress & figuring out methods of improving. While it's sometimes best to receive constructive criticism from other players, it's incredibly useful to look at yourself and see what you've done wrong. I'm also hoping it'll help me get rid of my "ranked anxiety" on my main. I have multiple smurf accounts and a few of them have breached Diamond. However, on my main account, I tilt incredibly easily. It's weird and I hope to get over that in this season. I also want this blog to be utilized as a way for lower ranked players to help figure out what is keeping them in their own personal "elo hell". If you know what to look for to improve, you'll improve dramatically.

     That's basically all I have for an introduction. If you'd like to ask any questions, hit me up on Twitter at @Lilnovalas or add me in-game. 


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