Sunday, November 16, 2014

Took a two day break but I'm back!

Match 1 : 

Champion : Tristana
Role :  AD Carry
Build Order : 
Runes & Masteries :
Notes : 

     Before we get started, I just want to state that AD Carry is the role I have the least expertise in by far so I'm not sure I can give the best information. However, I'll try my best, sum up what I believe I did wrong, and what I think I could have done better.

     So the matchup in this lane was Corki - Nami vs Tristana - Zyra. From what I understand, Corki + Nami does a lot more than Trist + Zyra, at least early on. So I told my support I wanted to focus on farming for a bit since trying to poke down the Corki early on to deny him farm (with my E & Zyra poke) wasn't going to work too well with Nami sustain. Unfortunately, the risk of having a Zyra support is that being caught by any type of CC can result in a death relatively easily. So because of that, I had a little bit of a rough laning phase. 

     To go over the laning phase, I managed an early kill on Corki because I forced his flash by getting level 2 before the enemy duo (killing the 3rd minion in the 2nd wave). Because of that, Jarvan ganked at level 4 ish & I managed to snag the kill. Nami, however, landed multiple bubbles on the Zyra in the minutes after that which resulted in a few kills for the enemy team. She eventually left the lane & started to try to make plays on roaming which left me to try to farm on my own. It's a little unfortunate and something I generally don't agree with (leaving your ADC in solo queue is most likely not the best idea). I did my best with the situation though and tried to focus on farming under turret while avoiding bubbles so I didn't get dove. It worked out relatively well with Zyra managing to snag a few kills in mid. That's the key thing. If your support abandons you, you need to make sure not to start raging at her. Just do your best under turret. If you're not confident in your ability to dodge skillshots, just leave the turret if they want to try to dive you. Ping your jungler for assistance and that may help out.

     Mid-game & late-game, Warwick ult proved a little too powerful for our team to handle. Warwick made countless great engages with his ultimate and we didn't have as much ward coverage as we should have, especially at the enemy jungle entrances and at objectives like dragon/baron. Because of this, we lost control of the map relatively early on. Those wards are incredibly critical and can prevent a game from snowballing out of control. We did manage a few early game rotations where the enemy team 4 man ganked our top lane so we pushed mid. That resulted in our team managing to snag a mid inhibitor. Despite pingsto back, however, our team stayed. This resulted in us nearly getting aced and the enemy team snagged a free baron. Shortly after, we lost the game but we managed to stall it out well. 

TL;DR : The key issues in this game were 1) lack of critical ward coverage on jungle entrances & objectives, 2) getting picked off, 3) and overstaying. Outside of laning phase, we held our own until we stopped maintaining vision which resulted in getting caught while trying to make a pick. All that mixed in with my lack of experience in the AD carry role, a relatively late BV, and no QSS/Mikhaels resulted in a game where I feel like I didn't do anywhere near as much as I could have.

Match 2 :

Champion : Rengar
Role : Jungle
Build Order :

Runes & Masteries : 
Notes : 

     A sharp contrast to the first game. I managed to not only snag my main role but I played my best champion as well. The game went nearly perfectly and I'll sum up what I did well & what I could have done a little bit better to make the game even easier.

     So in this game, the enemy team picked Twitch jungle which isn't a TERRIBLE pick but... against a champion like Rengar, it's uh, well, a terrible pick. I was first pick on our team so the enemy team knew what they were picking into. So right out of champ select, I had the advantage on the enemy jungler, not including the advantage I had over the enemy AD carry as well who picked an immobile champion (Miss Fortune). 

    Starting off, I started my red buff and immediately ran to Twitch's blue buff. Twitch level 2 ganked instead and first blooded Orianna. I intercepted him in the river and killed him. Afterwards, I ran to his blue buff and stole it. I didn't counter jungle it so I could keep a timer on it. I went back, bought Mandreds, and started farming. The moment I hit level 6, I got 5 ferocity and ran into mid lane to force a gank onto the Swain which resulted in another kill for myself. I ran up to top lane shortly after since Sion was overextended and landed another kill. Afterwards, I focused on farming as much as possible and started to pressure bot lane a lot with my ultimate to turn the lane in our favor. This allowed me to secure dragon and continue to snowball the game in our favor. I made sure that I ganked on ultimate cooldown for maximum efficiency. I also made sure to keep timers on all enemy champion flashes so I could use my ult solely for kills. The game continued to snowball in our favor and ended with the enemy surrendering around 24 minutes.

     The main things I could have done better would have been to communicate more effectively with my team on the location of Twitch. Orianna was first blooded which was relatively avoidable since it's Twitch jungle is predictable. A Twitch jungle will almost always kill his red buff and look for a gank. If I had told her that, she might not have died. Twitch also managed to get a few kills he REALLY shouldn't have been able to get due to a lack of ward coverage for our laners. A good jungler will always make sure to protect his lanes with deep jungle ward coverage which is something I didn't do much of this game mainly to keep buying damage items and focus on snowballing. It worked out in this game but, generally, it's a good idea to always know where the enemy jungler is and it's worth the 75-150g investment. Also, I need to get better at dodging Blitz grabs. I'm kinda a noob.

TL;DR : 

What I did wrong : 
1) Didn't communicate as effectively as I could have.
2) Didn't maintain deep ward coverage.
3) Got hit by a Blitzcrank grab and died.

What I did right :
1) Effectively read the enemy jungler resulting in a quick early kill after he first blooded Orianna.
2) Snowballed my lead by focusing on farming and getting ganks off overextended targets.
3) Used ult on CD on mid lane at first to stabilize her lane then proceeded to use multiple ults on bot lane to make us have a huge advantage.
4) Kept pink ward coverage in the river to hinder Twitch's ability to gank mid.
5) Secured all neutral objectives (Dragon/Baron/Buffs) multiple times over the course of the game.
6) Won. :D

Match 3 :
Champion : Amumu
Role : Jungle
Build Order : 
Runes & Masteries : 

Notes : 

     Before we start this off, I'm not very good at playing more utility orientated junglers. I tend to go a little too ham so things either go REALLY well or REALLY bad. This was my first Amumu game in awhile but he's one of my favorite junglers so I had fun while playing him. I went more AP at first because I was really fed in the beginning (4-0) so I felt it was a better usage of my gold. 

     This game was an example of a game that was made significantly more difficult due to poor game decisions. Starting off, the game was 12-0 within the first 10 minutes with myself having 4 of the kills. We were doing fantastic with great objective control, great vision control, and every lane was shut down. The issue came when it was time to group. One person decided to split and someone else on our team got caught which resulted in a 4v5 that we lost really badly giving the enemy team free gold. Eventually, we reined the game back in after excessive ping spamming and telling everyone we can win the game if we just group. Once we grouped as 5, we destroyed the enemy team in a teamfight and won the game.

     Now to start off, I did a few things right this game. Early on, I made sure to figure out where Kha'Zix started. This is done by paying attention to when top lane/bot lane comes to lane. If top lane comes late, that generally means that the jungler started on the buff on top side. If bottom lane comes late, that generally means that the jungler started on the buff on bottom side. I quickly figured out that Kha'Zix started bottom side and made plans to counter gank him in top lane. I didn't actually countergank him but did manage to stop him from ganking Quinn who was overextended with no ward coverage. That saved Quinn and she eventually snowballed off the Riven. Other then that, I made sure to farm effectively to 6 and focus on ganking bottom and mid lane after Quinn snowballed. I used my ultimate on CD on whichever lane had no flash up. If both had flash, I generally went with mid lane over bottom lane since bottom lane had an Ezreal. I also kept ward coverage inside of the enemy jungle as well as keeping a pink on the map at all times. Later on, I started to build tanky so I could dive the enemy team.

     I did a few things wrong as well. The key things were that I was caught two times resulting in two deaths by walking in awkward places. I didn't really think about where I was standing and walked directly into the enemy team around the top side tier 2 jungle. That gave the enemy team free gold which was silly. Also, we decided to baron later on in the fight but I pinged to peel off and focus on the upcoming teamfight. Instead, my teammates focused down baron and I wasn't in the pit to smite. The thing is, I did ping them BUT I didn't pay attention to what they were doing and because of that, I gave up a free baron. This game had a lot of me not being very aware of the situation. Other then that, I missed a few bandage tosses which could have resulted in kills. I also slacked off on vision control later in the game which was bad for us because the enemy team had a decent wombo combo from fog of war.

TL;DR : I started the game off really strong with decent ganks, great ward coverage, and great objective control. I started to slack off later in the game and made some poor decisions which threw the game though we remained in the lead by a significant amount of gold. If I played a little bit more seriously and was more aware, the game would've ended around the 20 minute mark instead of lasting until 41 minutes.

     Anyways, that's all I've got for today. If you have a question or have any feedback, post a comment here or tweet me at @Lilnovalas. Thanks for reading!

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