Sunday, March 22, 2015

Match Analysis : Doing it for other players now!

Hey guys! This is a new type of blog post I've been working on where I analyze other players games rather than my own. It's a free service that I'm offering where I spectate a players game and then do a write up on what I think they can improve on. This is my first time doing an analysis for someone other than myself so I hope you guys enjoy it. If you're interested, make sure to send me a message on my FB page! Key note, I didn't get a replay for this game so this is just going to be text.

Match :

Laning :

In the beginning of the game, sub 1:55, you went to guard the entrances to the jungle at the tri-bush. That's a little sketchy to do as an ADC against a Thresh or a Morgana. In this case, it was a Thresh. Remember that he can hook you REALLY easily and you'd be a quick first blood. Next time, just ward it and walk away. Don't stand in the bush.

In the early game, you didn't emphasize CS enough. Out of the first wave, you only had 3 cs (one because of Blitz) out of the 6 in the minion wave. By the 2nd wave, you had 5 out of 12. That early cs is really important and I'd recommend focusing on the farm rather than attempting to fight as an ADC. Remember, 15~17 cs is about the same value as a kill.

You were ganked at 3:30~ by Shyvana which is definitely unexpected since she's a farm jungler. However, always anticipate a gank around 3:15~. It's better to be cautious than to be caught like that and lose both of your summoners. Ward the river at 3:15. It's true she came from behind but it's more likely she walked through the river bush to get behind you through your tribush.

After getting ganked, you should have immediately backed. You spent around 45 seconds doing absolutely nothing. You gained a marginal amount of experience but didn't farm at all. If you backed, you could have came back into lane and started attempting to farm again. Thresh ended up flashing on top of you and you managed to get out. Remember to time that flash and inform your jungler that the support is a free kill if he comes in for a gank. Flash = 5 minute timer. Thresh flashed at 4:45. 9:45 Thresh F.

After backing there and coming back to lane, remember to play a little bit more passive and try to avoid pushing the wave out. You have no summoners so you really have no place to be going hard. Just last hit and, since the wave is under the turret it's going to reset, try to let it take as long as possible rather than pushing the wave into their favor again. You really don't want to overextend if Shyvana decides to pay another visit.

Kill on Varus was good but that really doesn't fix the misplays from earlier. Remember what Varus did wrong there though. He was hooked for one. Then he didn't click the lantern. He gave you a free kill for no reason.

9:10 ~ You have an advantage over Varus in summoners and you also are Lucian with the same items as him. That means you're going to out-trade him so inform your Blitzcrank that you can win a 2v2 and go for a fight. Still though, focus on the farm.

The ward you placed around 10 minutes was a really solid one and it let you spot out Shyvana. Good job.

Fight at 11:45. You should have fully commited to that fight because you do more damage than they do. Just focus on utilizing your passive and just fighting to the death. Instead you backed off and Varus got away. You did get his flash though so make sure to time that (16:50~ Varus F). Immobile ADC with no flash = free kill.

12:50~ Good job on the kill for Shyvana. It was really unfortunate that you had to flash but at least you secured some more gold.

13:20~ Good dodge on the Varus ultimate with your dash.

Mid-Game :

At 16:10, you backed for no reason when you were in mid lane with LeBlanc. You should have applied pressure by pushing the wave. You bought berserker greaves as well when you could have just saved another 400 gold for Infinity Edge. 

Then around 18 minutes, you get overly zealous against a Zed, Thresh, and Shyvana with just LeBlanc. You should have just backed off since 1) it's a 3v2 and 2) You're an ADC vs a Zed and Shyvana. Instead, you overstayed and had to waste heal on the LeBlanc who was trying to skirmish with them. Afterwards, you tried to fight Zed with Blitzcrank which wasn't a terrible call BUT you sat still for 4 seconds rather than trying to orbwalk (kite backwards) and Zed got a free kill off you. 

At 20 minutes, you were in mid lane but, instead of clearing the wave while Renekton and crew were hammering on the turret, you were focused on hitting them. Just clear the minion wave and the turret's going to end up being on your team hitting them. That way, you can either hold the turret for a little longer or they'll try to dive you earlier and end up killing themselves to turret damage.

After they take the mid lane turret, they go to dragon and just get dragon (remember that you can hear the dragon sound when it dies). Do NOT go to your bot lane tier 1 turret. That's a BAD idea against a fed Renekton and Zed. You WILL die. Fortunately, they backed off but you could have easily just gave a free kill up for like 3 farm. 

Afterwards, you try to fight Renekton. You didn't respect his burst damage from his ultimate and combo and it ended up killing you. Remember that Renekton's ult gives him more health and that he's a high CD but high burst champion. You're an ADC and he can almost always kill you until late-late game. 

At 25 minutes, you made a huge positioning error where you walked through the river, ignoring the fact the enemy team had scuttle crab already and ran through the vision they had. They ended up collapsing on you and you SHOULD have died when the Thresh and Shyvana jumped on you in the dragon pit. Fortunately, they misplayed so you got away but the Zed and Renekton ended up collapsing on you for a free kill. Think of it this way. If you walked through your jungle, it's a lot less likely you would have died. You most likely saw the scuttle ward so you probably knew they had vision. It was sort of pointless.

26 minutes, you basically just walked into a 9 and 1 Renekton for a free kill. Tilting possibly but it was just blatant suicide for no reason.

27 minutes, you wasted culling so I'm assuming you're tilting a little. 

At 2740 when you're at Dragon, you should never stand right by the pit as an ADC against a Zed/Renekton. Renekton was pulled over the wall and Zed just shadowed over for a free kill. You need to remember who you're playing against and change up how you position depending on their champion.

At 2840 when they're at the bottom inhibitor, you almost killed Renekton with your kiting but ended up cancelling a few autos. If you didn't, you would have gotten away and managed a kill. Good try though.

Late-Game :

N/A. Game ended at 31 minutes~.

Csing :

Focus on farming a little bit more in the early game. You only managed to get around half the minions in the first two waves.

When you come back into lane at around 14 minutes, I know you want to push the wave for the tower but you miss like 4 farm including a siege minion. Be a little bit more patient and get that extra gold too.

By 30 minutes, you only had 180~ farm. You really should be aiming for 250+ by that point. If you had slightly better farm, you would've hit your two item power spike a little bit earlier (ie/shiv) and could have potentially been more useful this game as an AD.

Build :

At 13:46, you went back and purchased like THREE health potions. You don't NEED that many health potions. In fact, I'd argue you don't even need 1 or 2. I get mana over health potions generally. Also, purchase a scrying orb. Scrying orb saves lives.

Sell your HP pots to make room for the Cloak of Agility. PLEASE DO NOT SELL YOUR DORANS BLADE FOR A CLOAK OF AGILITY. It's barely a damage increase if at all. You kept your health potions for no reason!!!!!

Your item build overall : Not bad but you only had two items by 31 minutes. That's really lackluster and you should aim to farm better to get more items.

Overall :

You could definitely have done a lot of things better and I hope that this write up proves useful. Based on your mechanics and your awareness to ward, I definitely foresee you improving to become a much better ADC. You have the potential (CLG intensifies). Just a lot of little things that end up collapsing into a big problem. It also doesn't help that you're not a very high impact player as an ADC until mid-late game. 

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