Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Match Analysis.

Match 1 :

Champion : Kha'Zix
Role : Jungle
Build Order :

Runes & Masteries :

Notes :

     This was a really awkward game and the start of a bit of a tilt for me. Starting off, our Rumble had the wrong runes and masteries so he had AD rather than AP and requested that I make sure I gank his lane first. Being pressured into a certain gank pattern is a little frustrating when you're jungling.

     Our team was on blue side so I started on the bottom (red side jungle) Krugs after requesting that my team place river wards so I knew there were no invades coming. After Krugs, I went to my red buff and made sure I placed a ward in the bush behind the red buff to see if Lee Sin was coming to cheese since Kha'Zix gets REALLY low in the jungle. I did one more camp and then did the scuttle crab, went back, and rotated towards top side. I did this to make sure I had enough gold for my jungle item as well as extra gold for health potions. Unfortunately, at this point, Lee Sin decided to go for an early gank rather than farm which resulted in him securing an early first blood on the overextended Rumble while I was killing my blue buff. If I had vision on the gank coming up, I would have rotated towards top side for a counter gank.

     I covered top lane and then covered mid lane since they both had to back. At this point, I hadn't been able to get any successful ganks off since 1) I didn't want to get counterganked by Lee Sin in top lane, 2) bottom lane was pushed to their inner tier 2 with no signs of being pushed back, 3) middle lane is a LeBlanc vs Xerath. I ended up focusing on farming up to get level 6 and then apply pressure then since there were no gank opportunities readily available other than a bottom lane counter gank. I actually ended up gathering that information since Lee Sin had a tendency to camp top lane a little bit. Our Rumble had no real interest in watching his wards so Lee Sin another gank on his lane rendering him 0 and 2. I did think about attempting a gank top lane BUT if Lee Sin were to show, Panth + Lee would destroy Kha'Zix + Rumble in a 2v2, even if the two of us were slightly ahead.

     At around 7:40, we ended up having an interesting skirmish due to Pantheon and Lee Sin rotating towards mid lane to gank Xerath. What ended up happening was teleported and overextended to kill himself but we managed to poke down Graves and Lee Sin for myself and Xerath to secure two kills. It ended up being a 2 for 1. I almost died but I hit level 6 from the skirmish and stealthed to get out. I had to waste my flash to kill Graves because I leapt onto him to deal damage rather than to follow him over the wall so he just dashed away. However, I flash + q'd and managed to secure the kill. It was a big misplay on my part.

     I ended up going back, evolving my Q first, and purchased triple long swords for more damage. I went to take my red buff and smited it to heal up since the 2nd red buff does an outrageous amount of damage. After that, I rotated towards bottom lane for a gank. I managed to sneak into the bush without them seeing and Leona caught the Thresh. We forced his flash and timed it at 14:40. I decided to come around again and tried to sneak into the 2nd bush closer to their turret but it was warded. This is where it REALLY gets ugly. I jump into dragon pit, attack dragon a few times, notice the scuttle crab giving vision, and walk out as fast as possible as their entire team collapsed on me. Leona ended up suiciding like a true support to save me but I got her killed because I had an odd idea that soloing dragon would be an effective use of my time. I had a sort of brain fart here.

     I'm still level 6 and it's about 10 minutes. I decided to start power farming up and I hit level 7, secured my blue, and went back. Meanwhile, Xerath was caught out of position and killed which secured the enemy team dragon while I was in my top side jungle so I couldn't contest. There was nothing I could really do in this scenario except put some wards down for Xerath. There was a severe lack in coverage by me.

     I went back, noticed that Lee Sin was ganking middle lane and rushed it as fast as possible. I actually managed to get a good countergank off and secured a kill off the Lee Sin and we attempted to push middle lane after. Unfortunately we greeded for the inner tier 2 and Pantheon ulted/killed Xerath/myself/and Leona. Shortly after, Corki stayed a little too long under the middle tier 1 to defend it and ended up getting hooked and popped as well. So we gave them a good 1,200 gold because we overstayed. It was a MASSIVE mistake.

     After going back, I went to take my red buff as it came up and noticed Graves was overextending solo against the Leona. I swept the bush, walked through the ward (since it shuts off the ward when you sweep it), and ran into Graves for a really easy kill. Afterwards, Thresh came to kill the bottom tier 1 turret so Leona and I dove him (she attacked first, I put out the damage). That was 2 free kills for me and helped me snowball pretty effectively. Right after I went back though, bottom lane stayed under their tier 2 turret with 3 people on them and no one else was on the map. I pinged them back but they stayed and were 5 manned by their entire team with Rumble teleporting as well for a quick 3 for 0. The team had a little bit of a brain fart and there's nothing I could have done in that scenario for them. Afterwards, they rotated towards dragon and I went to see if I could go for a steal. LeBlanc was hiding in a bush for me and tried to skirmish with me and I almost killed her. However, I tried to escape since the entire enemy team was over the wall in dragon pit, fail hopped over my red buff wall, and flashed to get out of there (the Lee Sin q just barely missing me). While all of this was happening, the enemy team ended up securing dragon.

     Afterwards, we ended up going for a skirmish in top side with Pantheon attempting to 1v3. It should've been a quick kill, however, Corki ended up valkyring into the Pantheon so he managed to one-shot the Corki. Shortly after, 3 of their team collapsed onto the Leona + Rumble as well and I attempted to force a fight, specifically on their Graves but I was popped instantly along with Rumble. So we gave them another 3 kills there (3 for 1).  Xerath started rotating towards us about 20 seconds after we all died and gave them a free kill as well so, all in all, it was a 4 for 1. It was a really, REALLY poorly thoughtout process.

     After respawn, I went ahead and focused on farming for a little bit. I went to my Krugs and Pantheon was hiding in a bush, almost killing me. However, I managed to get away and Thresh overextended to try to get a hook on me getting himself killed by our Corki. With every good thing comes a bad thing, though. Leona and Rumble ended up walking blindly into the enemy jungle right after to "chase" the LeBlanc. Right after, 4 members of the enemy team collapsed on them and instantly killed them. Chasing into a blind jungle isn't the brightest thing in the world when the score is 8 - 22 and you're nearly 10,000 gold behind the enemy team at 23 minutes. At this point, I also had a brainfart and went for my blue buff. The enemy team was waiting around the corner and quickly killed me. Honestly, I KNEW they were there but I decided to go for the buff anyways because I was a little tilted. I just ended up giving them a free kill for no reason.

     I spawned, went to bottom lane to shove out the wave for some farm, and LeBlanc tried to assassinate me. I actually managed to almost kill her and got away, however Rumble ended up facechecking into a blind jungle once again to give away a free kill to 4 members of their team. Meanwhile, I killed my Krugs and got away. As you can see, our team was REALLY tilting hard at this point. We're all diamond players and we're just not thinking because we're upset at how poorly we're playing.

     The enemy team began sieging and focused on our top inhibitor turret. They ended up getting a pick off on Xerath and then forcing a full on dive, killed everyone, but I secured a kill on Thresh. We lost our inhibitor and they ended up securing dragon right after, setting them at 3 stacks of the buff. While that was happening, we decided to trade baron for dragon to get some free gold and to stave off their next push. We actually secured baron and went back. The enemy team was pushing our inhibitor turret and I quickly jumped onto the LeBlanc to see if I could assassinate her. It wasn't the brightest idea in the world because her entire enemy team was right behind her. Right after I jumped in, I was cc'd and stunlocked. I quickly died but my team actually pulled off a good fight, killed the Thresh who hooked me and the LeBlanc. Right after, the enemy team rotated a little bit and took our bottom inhibitor while we pushed middle lane and took a nexus turret. We all backed to defend but they ended up killing all of us and ended the game.

     This was a poor example of high elo game play. It was more so a game where every single member tilted hard and just didn't play to their full potential. There were very few calls being made. There were very few wards being placed to prevent the plays the enemy team was pulling off. We had zero objective control and zero pressure anywhere. In no way, shape, or form was it any one members fault. We all played horribly this game.

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