Thursday, February 19, 2015

Analysis of Picks and Bans : FNC vs SK

Heya everyone.

I decided to try something new for today's post. I've been wanting to do analysis for picks and bans for awhile but decided to go ahead and do it for this post instead of a self match analysis. It's mainly because I was intrigued by this specific games picks and bans and also thought that the game itself was thoroughly entertaining. VOD link will be included at the bottom of the post. Keep in mind that I'm VERY new to this and I would really appreciate any and all constructive criticism. I really want to better my analysis and would love any type of feedback at all. Thank you!


FNC Ban :

  1. Kennen : A ban directed towards Fredy, especially after his impressive showing on the champion in week 3 of the EU LCS. The champion is actually pretty decent in a meta that's focused more on teamfighting due to his ultimate. In addition, he fairs relatively well in 1v1s against many of the current meta laners (except Lissandra, I'd argue) and also does decent in a 1v2 by csing with his Q.
  2. Gnar : Another ban directed towards Fredy. Gnar is still a power pick despite nerfs due to his damage output despite building full tank and his ability to deal with a 1v2 and win/bully out a lot of meta top laners in a 1v1. 
  3. Kassadin : A flex ban since Kassadin is played both in top and mid lane right now. Though more likely, it's a targetted ban towards Fox due to his strong performance on Kassadin in week 1 and 2. Kassadin, while having a "weak" laning phase, still has an innate ability to bully players out with his Q and his mid-late game mobility is uncanny for roaming. In addition, he does a large amount of damage once he has his core items (e.g. ROA/Zhonyas/DCap).
SK Ban :

  1. Lissandra : Likely to have been a target ban against Huni, Huni is an incredibly skilled Lissandra, currently with a 100% win-rate over 3 games from weeks 1, 2, and 3. Lissandra's ability to shutdown one target is absurd so even if one target were fed, she can effectively remove them from the fight for a short period of time. Or, ya know, burst them down instantly.
  2. Rengar : 100% a target ban towards Reignover. Reignover has proved himself as the BEST Rengar in the west right now. His early game map pressure and his mid game picks are insane. Over 5 games, Reignover has snagged 29 kills and 43 assists, a very impressive track record. That being said, Rengar is a champion that not all junglers can effectively play to maximum potential. A lot of junglers tend to ignore the fact that he still has powerful pick potential pre-6. 
  3. Leona : Target ban towards Yellowstar but also a ban to set up SK's pick of Annie. Yellowstar has had strong showings on Leona but it's also a decent counter to Annie since Annie is a relatively squishy support and Leona likes to get all up in her business. 
The top lane is a pretty important match up in this game due to both Huni and Fredy122's skill in their respective roles hence the three bans directed towards those lanes. So 3/6 were focused on top lane. Kassadin was banned out against Fox so 1 ban towards mid lane, though one could argue Lissandra was a flex ban so it could potentially be 2 bans in mid lane. Rengar was 100% a targetted ban against Reignover so 1 jungle ban. I feel that Leona was mainly a ban so nRated could comfortably pick Annie over anything and that's 1 support ban. 


  1. FNC first picks Zed. In my opinion, it's a relatively questionable and ballsy first pick. Febiven has had strong showings on the champion, specifically in week 1 and 2 but I feel like it's a little overkill to the FNC style of play which seems to have been grabbing lots of picks all over the map and then pushing for objectives. He's also a little bit of an awkward teamfighter where he aims to blow up one target with his ultimate and, if the target lives, Zed does what he can but, he's still a melee. In addition, Zed is countered by an item (QSS) which would utterly negate a large portion of his damage output. 
  2. SK's turn, they pick their bottom lane. In this case, Annie is picked as she's an incredibly powerful initiator with her stun and also matches the aggressive style of play from FORG1VEN. It's also picked to deny the pick from Yellowstar who has shown amazing plays on his Annie. Graves is picked for FORG1VEN and it's arguably one his best AD champions with him having a 41 KDA on the champion. Graves is a powerful pick due to his strong all in potential with Annie and his powerful early/mid game which matches FORG1VEN's aggressive style of play. 
  3. FNC's turn. FNC picks their jungler, Rek'Sai and Corki for Steelback. Rek'Sai is a very powerful pick in competitive, for a multitude of reasons but the main ones being her ability to grant vision when burrowed (the little shockwaves) and her mobility which allows her to easily get into the enemy jungle and get out with little risk. In addition, the champion's mobility is in FNC's advantage due to FNC knowing the fact that SK tends to not place as many wards as other teams which should give the jungler free reign(over) and should allow him to apply pressure/place wards without being detected. Corki is a power pick for FNC and Steelback has had incredible showings on the champion though nowhere near the level of FORG1VEN. That being said, his 10.3 KDA is nothing to scoff at. The Corki pick shows that FNC wants to go for a more mid game teamfight centric team composition due to Corki's powerspike with one item (Trinity Force). 
  4. This time, SK goes for an Ahri and Jarvan pick up for Fox and Svenskeren. Ahri is a power pick for Fox who has had great showings on the champion and Jarvan is quite possibly one of the best, if not the best junglers right now due to the sheer amount of utility he posses as well as his early game gank pressure, mobility allowing him to easily place wards (hence the popular sightstone build), and high base damage/disruption. Ahri is an incredibly powerful mid lane mage and allows SK's team to have someone for quick and effective picks. In addition, it synergizes well with Annie stun due to being able to guarantee land a charm on a target once they're stunned, practically 100 to 0'ing a target.
  5. For their last picks, FNC picks Rumble and Thresh, completing their mid game power team. The Rumble pick for Huni and Thresh for Yellowstar. Huni has had great performance on his Rumble and Yellowstar is known as one of the best Thresh players in the west (other than that one time he whiffed everything). The Rumble pick synergizes with the Corki pick and creates a team composition for FNC which allows for a powerful teamfight with very few items built. The idea is to basically force early teamfights around dragon/mid lane which FNC would have a huge advantage in due to reaching their power spikes incredibly early (e.g. Trinity for Corki/Magic pen for Rumble). Thresh helps with his kit of being able to secure picks with his hook and his ultimate disruption as well as the other utility provided with his slow and lantern.
  6. SK's final pick is Renekton for Fredy122. This pick is interesting because it's more to pressure Huni in lane due to Renekton's incredible early game power but the champion falls off incredibly hard and becomes nothing more than a meat shield around 15-20 minutes. I feel like the pick was mainly to render Huni useless over anything which explains a few of the mistakes Fredy made in lane.

Overall, I feel that FNC drafted a better team mainly because it was likely for them to get effective picks off due to SK's tendency to not ward as much as other LCS teams. These picks would lead to small skirmishes/gold leads which in turn would benefit FNC's mid game powerspike. 

In the game itself, SK's lack of warding really did result in Rek'Sai being able to do whatever he wanted all over the map, getting ganks off consistently everywhere. The fact that Fredy122 actually managed to die two times in lane was something that really shouldn't have happened. In the end, while SK does have incredibly strong laners, I feel that their transgressions in the early game against a team that excels at picks led to their loss in this game.

Anyways, thanks everyone for reading. I would really appreciate any and all feedback on this post. I'm still learning so I'm sorry if this is bad! If you did like it, I'd love for you to follow me on Twitter at @Lilnovalas or like my Facebook page "Road to Challenger". I'm working on creating quality content every 3 days! 

Vod :

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