Monday, January 19, 2015

Season starts on the 21st. The final countdown for preseason!

2 matches

     Recently, I've been recording my games so I can better go over them in the notes section. This will make it a bit more accurate. In the future, I'm also going to upload the games to Youtube and link each game in the blog.

Match 1 : 


Champion : Kha'Zix
Role : Jungle
Build Order : 

((It wouldn't let me post the build order for some reason. I built items in this order : Ranger's -> 2x Longsword -> Warrior Enchantment -> Hexdrinker -> Mercury Treads -> Tiamat -> Pickaxe -> Hydra -> Last Whisper -> Homeguards -> Chain vest.))

Runes & Masteries :

Again, same issue. Here's an image from my client.

Notes :

     So this is the first game where I'll be discussing what I did at exact moments in the game since I have replays available. I'll be going into more detail about what I did wrong and what I did right. Let me know if you prefer this style or like the other style of analysis.

     Starting the game off, we called for an invade to hopefully force summoners for easier ganks. We have a Morgana so an early invade is always a good call. Both Malphite and Miss Fortune were forced to flash and that came in handy later. Afterwards, I made the call to go back instead of attempting to take their buff because that's a little risky. I was content with summoner's being burnt. At this point, it's around 1:48. I tell my bottom lane to just go to lane while I solo my camps. It's better to do this so they don't lose out on experience. As Kha'Zix, it's best to go back after you hit level 3 anyways since you're generally not healthy enough to gank. Now, the purchase I made is critical. I find it NECESSARY to purchase a Ranger's Trailblazer on Kha'Zix. It helps with your sustain so much that it's really worth it over the Stalker's Blade. 

     My first gank attempt was at 4:40 on Heimerdinger in top lane. I pinged the champion, Lissandra engaged, and I attempted to get the gank off. I quickly realized the gank was failing because I run very little MR in my runes so I took an absurd amount of damage. This was problematic because, as Kha'Zix, you really need to snowball. My next gank was at 6:40. I was level 4 and patiently waited in the bottom brush until my Morgana landed a snare on the Janna. I forced her flash and backed off because I felt I couldn't do more in the scenario. At this point, I was getting behind so I started focusing on farming for awhile. Once 6, I evolved my E which I prefer to evolve first for gank pressure. My next gank was around 11:30 where I tried to force a gank on the Leblanc in mid. Unfortunately, she killed Ahri and, while I was trying to kill her, Malphite ulted in on me. I couldn't secure the kill on the Leblanc but successfully disengaged. At this point, my pressure map-wide was VERY lackluster. I wasn't getting very many successful ganks off. Fortunately, I managed to steal a dragon that the enemy team tried to sneak at 13:30 which secured us the first dragon buff. This is where we began to comeback. 

     The key thing with Kha'Zix is that he's a snowball-y champion. I needed one good teamfight to start taking control of the game. This happened at around 17:30 when I managed to quickly assassinate the Janna as she walked passed me. With resets, I managed to snag a kill and assist on the Malphite and Miss Fortune. Then I turned and killed the Heimerdinger as soon as he tp'd in. That was an ace and a triple kill for me which took me from 0-1 to 3-1. With the extra gold, I purchased both Mercury treads and a Hexdrinker due to the absurd AP damage on their team. Around 20 minutes, I was caught out by the Malphite ultimate but my team backed me up and we quickly killed him. While Malphite was distracting us, his team was doing dragon but I jumped over the pit and stole the 2nd dragon buff. At this point, I evolved my Q 2nd for the isolation damage and increased range. The enemy team began to pressure our tier 2 turret but we managed to repel them off though we a few of us did manage to die. At 26:45, we gave them a free dragon which was unfortunate. Our team wasn't in position in time. At 28:30, the enemy team forced a teamfight onto us which would've been an incredible teamfight but the Leblanc zoned me. I managed to kill her but our team was nearly aced. 

     Our real comeback begins when the enemy team attempts to bait baron but we communicate and discuss the best method of dealing with the baron fight. Lissandra tells us she'll ult the Leblanc and Ahri zoned/assassinated the Miss Fortune. It resulted in a 4 for 1 trade and we pushed the mid tier 2 turret and top tier 2 turret. We then rotated to dragon at around 31 minutes where we snag a pick on Janna. With that, we forced a 4v5 fight and aced the enemy team while also securing the 3rd dragon buff. The final teamfight was a few minutes later after we shoved out our side waves. Lissandra forced an engage on the Leblanc and I managed to secure multiple resets. They surrendered right after.

     Overall, I believe that this game was a mediocre example of a Kha'Zix game. The key problems I felt I had this game was that I couldn't effectively gank anywhere in the early game. I tried to force a gank in top and mid but both ganks failed horribly. What I should have done was instead pressure bottom lane. If I started top side and did my first gank bottom, I think the game would've been much better and Miss Fortune wouldn't have gotten as fed as she had. Fortunately, our team composition was far superior to theirs and we ended up overpowering them late game. 

     While I may not have pressured effectively early, I believe that my smites this game were on point. I stole 2 dragons from the enemy team. I also maintained an excessive amount of vision control which contributed to our picks in the mid game and late game. This may not have been the best Kha'Zix game but it was a well played game.

Match 2 : 

Champion : Pantheon
Role : Jungle
Build Order : 

Hunters Machete 2x HP -> (3:21) Stalker's Blade + Stealth Ward + Sweeper -> (5:21) Longsword + Vision Ward + 1x HP -> (9:39) Warrior Enchantment + Longsword + Stealth Ward + 1x HP -> (11:32) Brutallizer + Vision Ward + 2x HP -> (14:30) Mobility Boots + Longsword + Stealth Ward -> (15:49) Stealth Ward -> (18:07) Pickaxe + Stealth Ward -> (21:20) Last Whisper + Vision Ward + Stealth Ward -> (23:10) Giant's Belt -> (26:13) -> Black Cleaver + Warden's Mail -> (31:34) Randuin's Omen + Negatron Cloak + Homeguards. 

Runes & Masteries : 

Notes :

     In this game, I tried to start off forcing summoners again but it was ineffective so we disengaged and immediately went to my camp. In this case, I decided to go for a camp -> buff -> camp start, starting at Gromp. After I hit level 3, I went back and purchased a Stalker's Blade. I then proceeded to do my red buff and go for a gank in mid lane at 4:25. Ahri flashed and I flashed onto her for a stun to secure first blood for Ziggs. Right after, Shaco tried to assassinate Ziggs but I managed to stun him and peel so Ziggs could get away. At 6:30, I pinked the bottom lane river bush and sat in it. Shaco went for a gank and Thresh hooked him. I counterganked and Ezreal managed to secure the kill on him. At 8:40, I hit level 6 and tried to use my ultimate bottom lane but it was a poorly positioned ultimate. Morgana flashed out but that was good for future ganks. However, shortly after that, Ziggs rotated bottom lane at 8:55 and, through channeling my E, I managed to secure a double kill. 

     Following up on the Morgana flash earlier, the moment my ultimate was up again, I ulted bottom again. This was around 10:50. I managed to quickly assassinate Lucian and turned to use my Q on Morg. She died but Jax had tp'd and killed me because I ran out of mana. Thresh managed to secure the kill on him though. The only reason I survived as long as I did was by managing my passive stacks and making sure it had a high uptime through the usage of my W. At around 13 minutes, I went for another gank bottom lane since they had no summoners up still. I had an incredible amount of damage at this point so I just walked into the lane, followed through on the Thresh hook, stunned the Morgana by baiting her blackshield on Lucian, and killed her instantly. The key thing there is to make sure you run towards the ADC and, perhaps even using a Q on them. This makes the Morgana think you're going to focus the ADC. Afterwards, turn and kill her. Shortly after that fight, Thresh and I secured the first dragon for our team. We knew there was no vision because of good pink ward placement.

     At 15:30, I immediately ulted an overextended Lucian again. While it didn't secure a kill, I managed to snag both of his summoners which proved useful later. As you can see, I'm applying a ridiculous amount of pressure bottom lane. This is due to the fact my duo queue partner is a support as well as because Pantheon is an effective bottom lane ganker. After backing, I ran towards mid because I noticed Jax run passed one of my wards. Jax and Ahri attempted to turret dive Ziggs but I counterganked, saved Ziggs, and managed to kill Ahri. This is an example of what good ward coverage results in. At this point, I was snowballed to the point of effectively keeping vision control on whichever side of their jungle. I chose the top side of the jungle and, at around 17:30, Thresh landed a hook on a passing Morgana. He lanterned me in and we 100 to 0'd her. Ahri attempted the redemption kill but died as well to me though Lucian managed to shut me down. Then, because I'm a doofus, I managed to not only waste my ultimate at 18:40, I walked into the enemy team and killed myself. It wasn't my brightest moment. However, because of a lapse of judgement on the enemy team, we managed to sneak a dragon with our Heimerdinger for our 2nd dragon buff. 

     At this point, I'm incredibly powerful. I noticed Lucian was slightly overextending and ulted directly on top of him. I 100 to 0'd him with my full combo. While I did kill him, it may have been better for me to help my team out with my ultimate though. I stopped his pushing but my team almost was aced during that. Shaco then facechecked into the bush I was backing and I also 100 to 0'd him so it turned out to be fairly worth it. After going back, I immediately ulted mid lane which was being pushed by Lucian and Ahri. I actually managed to kill both of them in the duration of my E so the snowball was a little bit ridiculous. Then, due to our superior vision control in their jungle, Thresh managed to land a hook on Ahri when she respawned and tried to do wolves. We killed her instantly and managed to secure blue buff for our team. Our team then decided to force a teamfight for their tier 2 top lane turret at 24:50. I suicided to kill it and the Lucian but our team managed to get out. All the while, Ezreal was shoving bottom so we had a 4 - 0 - 1 on the enemy team. In the end, we took 3 turrets in 2 minutes. Once dragon came back up at 26 minutes, I managed to facecheck into a bush filled with 5 people to instantly die. However, my team cleaned up with an incredible Thresh flay into a Ziggs ult. The enemy team was nearly aced and we took their inhibitor off it though we were also counter aced after. Being the only one who didn't die, I managed to snag a kill on their Jax and Ahri and then pinged that we bait a baron fight once we were all up. We still had insane vision control on the top side so it was easy setting up for it. Unfortunately, a few members of our team were caught by a binding at around 31 minutes and Ahri assassinated them.

     At around 32:10, I managed to force a 1v2 on Ahri and Jax and killed both of them. Shortly after, we killed Shaco and snagged Baron buff due to the enemy team not having a jungler. We pushed mid lane and the enemy team surrendered right after we killed their Lucian.

     I really liked my overall performance this game. Early game, I focused a little bit of pressure in the mid lane which snowballed the game in Ziggs' favor. However, mid game was all about using my ultimate in bottom lane. While a lot of people dislike camping, the most effective method of ganking is ganking a lane where you forced a summoner. There's that and the simple fact that Pantheon's ultimate is considered a "double kill ultimate" if used effectively. There's no point not camping the lane if the enemy laner is overextended. I fed myself and managed to hard carry with the sheer damage alongside my playmaking support. If you notice my build order, I almost ALWAYS purchased a stealth ward on every back. This managed to secure an absurd amount of vision control all over the top side of the enemy jungle and snagged us a good few of our picks. Not only that, we had near absolute dragon control because of our vision control. 

     The only disappointing aspects of this game were my goofs. For example at 10:50, my gank would've been perfect if I had better conversed my mana. I went OOM and let myself die to Jax where it could have been an easy triple kill. Then, at 18:40, I wasted an ultimate expecting someone to be where they weren't and then walked into their whole team to die. It was borderline feeding. At 26 minutes, I also facechecked a 5 man deathbush and died again. While I did have needless deaths, it wasn't the end of the world and my team managed to back me up. I think the only thing I could have done better was spend more time pressuring other lanes like top and mid. I camped bottom lane REALLY hard.

     Anyways, that's all I've got for now. I'm currently Plat II 48 LP. I doubt I'll hit Diamond before the season ends but here's hoping! I'll be uploading games like these on a youtube channel at some point in the future. For now, it's just blogging. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to toss me a message on my Facebook page, comment here, or tweet me at @Lilnovalas. Thanks for reading guys!!



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