Thursday, January 29, 2015

Patch 5.2 Analysis

     So in this post, I'll be doing some basic analysis on the changes that were implemented with patch 5.2. This will be a relatively lengthy post so here we go!

1) Removal of DFG/Blackfire Torch

         You don't understand just how excited I am about this change. While I'm quite fond of one-shotting players when I'm incredibly fed, this item is a little bit much. Once built, a level 9 AP champion could easily 100 to 0 a squishy target and that's absurd. Especially if they're not fed. The major champions who used this item were slightly buffed or reworked to compensate for the removal so there's that. Have no fear, friends! A few more champions are also in the reworks for buffs in 5.3. But, overall, good riddance. I don't run MR on a lot of my rune pages so I HATED this item.

2) Overlapping CC Effects

          So this is interesting. I saw this in the patch notes for 5.1 but I guess it'll officially be in this patch. So basically, you can officially be chain CC'd with no ability to Zhonyas/Flash. Good change, imho. Was tedious when you'd stun somebody with different types of CC only for them to somehow get away.

3) Attack-Move Commands in Stealth

          I'm a little frustrated with this change but it's not the biggest of deals. I'd occasionally a-move with Rengar while ulted or with Twitch when invisible but I'll just have to right click instead. To clarify, this is moving using your "attack move" key which is by default your a key. 


1) Tristana

     I'll go over the changes for each section and describe how I believe this will affect her viability as a champion by the end.

1) General :

-Attackspeed growth nerf, meaning she gets slightly less attack speed per level which sort of nerfs her late game.
-Base armor reduction. Nerfs her across the board, most notably affects her early game.
-Base health. Nerfs her across the board, most notably affects her early game.
-VU & Icon update. YAY SHE'S PRETTY.

2) Passive

-Her range is slightly lower lategame. I believe it's 669 at level 18 vs Caitlyn's 650. Good late game nerf.

3) Q

-No changes. Still an AS steroid.

4) W

- Explosive landing. So jumping on a target is encouraged if they have multiple stacks of your E on them. You do scaling damage the more stacks you have on them. That's pretty nifty. 
-  Base damage. Increased base damage at rank 1 but reduced damage output at all other ranks. This is to obviously compensate for the increased damage from the stacks on the E.
- Ratio. Ratio nerf. Same thing as the base damage nerf. It's just to compensate for the new damage source on the W.

5) E

- Still causes an explosion when you kill minions.
- New active, applies a grenade. This is the key aspect of her new kit. Every basic attack applies more stacks of it. Each explosive stack increases the damage of the grenade by 25% up to 100%. After 4 stacks, auto again and it explodes.
- Rocket jumping on them with 4 stacks automatically detonates that BUT it also does increased damage on her W. So 100% more damage on the W and E.
- You can apply the E to the towers. Works the same. Allows Tristana to have an absurdly powerful siege.

6) R

- Ratio nerf. The ratio was absurdly high before though.

     Overall, Tristana's early game has been buffed. Her mid game is also a little bit stronger now too. Her late game was nerfed a little bit (e.g. range nerf) but her sieging should be pretty powerful with the grenades.

2) Ahri

1) General

- Just some item changes on her recommended. Nothing too special. This is mainly because DFG was removed.

2) Q

- So I totally experienced this in the middle of a game and was like WHY THE HELL IS THIS CHICK MOVING SO FAST? This is a relatively powerful change, imho. Gives her decent kiting or better engage to position yourself for your charm.

3) W

- Quality of life change on her W. Her foxfire should be a little bit more reliable now.
- Lich bane Ahri hype! Before, W would occasionally cause you to cancel basic attacks so this is a great change.
- Base damage increase. Nothing too special here, just extra damage to compensate for no DFG. Ty dfg.
- This bug was actually really tedious and I'd seen it happen a little bit more often than described in the post. I'm glad they fixed it.

4)  E

-So charmed targets don't take increased damage anymore BUT charm now does a little bit more damage. The AP ratio has also been buffed significantly. Overall, I think this comes out as about equal for the change. 

5) R

- YAY. Doofuses like me won't fail ult over terrain as often. IT'LL STILL HAPPEN THOUGH.

     I think the main change here that'll make Ahri even more viable is the movement speed on the Q. That's incredibly powerful and I have no doubts that she'll be a more contested pick in solo queue.

3) Akali

1) E

- So this is actually a pretty huge hit to Akali since your E was a method to do effective trading in the early game. Plus it also did a metric fuck ton of damage when fed. While I believe it'll hurt her early game the most, this nerfs Akali across the board.

2) R 

- Range nerf. Good change. There were times when I was flabbergasted by how far her ultimate would go.
- This was also really frustrating because I'd play against Akali's and not see their stack #.

     I hate Akali. She's a permanent ban for me. While she's been nerfed, she's still going to be a nuisance and do an absurd amount of damage. I don't think this nerf is going to be enough to make her be balanced but, at least she's not AS op as she used to be.

4) Annie

1) E

- Flat nerf to her E to compensate to the buff to Tibbers.

2) R

- I'm kind of intrigued by this change. I do feel like this makes Tibbers a little bit more responsive and useful. The survivability change will also be nice. 

     I was a big fan of DFG support Annie but, having played two games as her today in ranked, she still seems perfectly viable and very effective at what she does. I did feel the nerf to her E early game but Tibbers more then made up for it post 6. I had an easier time maneuvering.

5) Azir

1) Q

- Yay, clarity buffs. Range is properly displayed now.
- THIS CHANGE IS ACTUALLY PRETTY AMAZING. Previously, when you would move your Q, I believe it would pick a random soldier and move it. Now, the Q will move the nearest soldier to where you Q to. Less delay. 

6) Cassiopeia

1) Q

- Mana nerf. She REALLY had zero mana issues and could kick people out of lane repeatedly. This should hurt her a little bit and will at least require the usage of a blue buff mid/late game.

2) E 

- Another mana nerf. Same thing as above. Though this should also affect her early game as well.

     I'm glad Riot is acknowledging that Cassopeia is just a LITTLE toxic. (hehe, get it?) These nerfs are warranted and should tone her down but I have no doubts in my mind that Cass will still be an incredibly powerful pick in solo queue.

7) Fizz

1) Q 

- This is a pretty huge nerf. It's a flat damage nerf at all ranks except rank 1 AND his ratio has been nerfed. Not only that but any type of displacement also makes it so you don't take any damage from the Q (e.g. if you flash/malphite ult/dash/etc)

2) W

- No more Grievous Wounds. Big nerf. Morellinomicon might be worth?
- So his W now does % health damage on his active rather than his passive. His active also does more damage now but no longer has an AP ratio.
- Passive is flat out nerfed but now has an AP ratio. Not really sure if this is a nerf. I'll math it out at some point.

3) R

- This is the compensation for the Q nerf. All damage against whoever is tagged is increased by 20% for 6 seconds. THERE'S YOUR NEW DFG BOYS. 

     Overall, I think Fizz HAS been nerfed but I don't think he's been nerfed to the ground. He'll still be viable but not as frustrating to play against as he is currently.

8) Kha'Zix

1) E


9) Nidalee

1) General

- She LOOKS like she autos faster. It's kinda neat.

2) Passive

- ALRIGHT BOYS. THIS IS AMAZING. This helps jungle Nidalee's clear so MUCH.

     Okay, so I've been playing around with jungle Nidalee and I feel like it's probably the most effective way of playing Nidalee right now so you can snowball to the maximum efficiency. Her roams are exceptional with the increased movement speed in bushes.The ROOT effect from her hunted makes clearing super easy + the increased damage. You can clear a camp near instantly now. Her early clear is a little rough but it's absurdly fast with a Ranger's. Her ganks are incredibly potent with her Q + pounce initiate. I'm thinking she's a top tier jungler this patch. soon tm tier list.

10) Rek'Sai

1) Q - Another damage nerf. No AD ratio nerfs this time though. Just base damage. This nerf will definitely affect her significantly. I'm curious to see how people will build her but I'm thinking she'll need at least two damage items.

2) W - So the W base damage nerf is pretty significant BUT that knockup CD reduction should prove useful.

     Overall, I think Rek'Sai is still a viable jungler and a top 10 pick but she's nowhere near the monstrosity she used to be. Her damage has been significantly gutted. I definitely feel like she'll still be viable in competitive though just because of her vision revealing with her burrow.

11) Sejuani 

1) W

- Okay so a bug fix... where she was doing stupid bonus damage to structures. Neat. THANKS RITO.

12) Syndra

1) E

- She REALLY needed this. Her win-rate literally dropped like crazy right after the last patch. This should hopefully get her back to a decent place because she's a REALLY fun champion.

13) Zed

     Okay, so rather than specifically talk about the attack speed nerfs, I'd rather explain my opinion on this. I HONESTLY feel like this nerf wasn't enough. Zed still has the potential to effectively 100 to 0 a target post 6 and he's still a terror to deal with when fed. Yes, his split pushing will be hampered with the attack speed nerf. Yes, he won't be able to attack AS often to do more damage for his ultimate pop but I think Zed will still be an incredibly powerful mid lane pick this patch.

Mass Texture Rebalancing

Yay, people look pretty. Specifically :

  1. Mundo
  2. Irelia
  3. Jarvan
  4. Nunu
  5. Swain
  6. Vayne
  7. Yorick


1) Jungle Items

          So the increase in price actually screws over a lot of junglers who have an incredibly difficult time clearing their first set (e.g. Kha'Zix and Rengar). Something that people have mentioned as a neat fix is to kill the Scuttle Crab after you do your camp -> buff -> camp to get the extra gold for a health potion though that's a little risky. I would recommend just going back and purchasing an early Trailblazer. Afterwards, swap it out for your other jungle item whenever you upgrade to your enchantment. This is pretty effective for both Kha and Rengar and will help your early clears. Note, the enchantments are now cheaper to compensate.

2) Aether Wisp

          So Riot literally states in this post that the price is being reduced so people buy it. The stats on it are still a little mediocre so (30 ap mvp) though so I'm not sure if people will go for it. Again, no BIG change here. The prices of the final products have been increased to compensate.

3) Elixir of Iron

          To sum this up, Mercury Treads/Zephyr + Elixir of Iron is significantly less effective now. 

4) Giant's Belt 

          This is a pretty awesome change. Pre-5.2, you'd have to save a whole 1,000 gold to purchase a component for Randuins/Sunfire/Warmogs. Now, you can start building for the health components with 400 gold. Woot woot.

5) Hextech Gunblade

          The main champs that would like this version of the item would probably be Akali and Katarina. Though I can see it being pretty effective on Mordekaiser as well. I don't have TOO much experience with this item though so I can't get too in-depth with this.

6) Rod of Ages

          - This is an awesome clarity change. You no longer have to hover over the ROA to figure out how charged it is.

          - I didn't even know this was a thing but WOO. 

7) Stealth Ward

          I'm pretty glad Riot fixed this. It was getting really absurd when you would drop a game early game and any champion could just kill it if they started autoing it immediately. 

8) Zazarot? Zz'rot? Portal thing


1) Structure.

- So this item is now a structure. That means that abilities that don't affect structures NO LONGER DO ANYTHING TO IT. e.g. Azir soldiers! If it's officially a structure, that also means you don't get ferocity off it as Rengar. The collision aspect of it is interesting as well. I can see plays being made with the item (e.g. a Poppy purchasing it for split pushing and using a well placed portal to collide into someone with it). 

2) ...Portal mechanics.

-  So if I'm understanding this correctly, you gain bonus structure damage if you kill void gates. I guess it's encouragement to kill the portal.

3)  Voidspawn

- So the armor got buffed, MR got nerfed, base health is nerfed, health per level is nerfed, base damage is increased, scaling damage is decreased, and they do less damage to structures. HOWEVER, they now gain bonus damage from 100% of a summoning champion's armor/MR.
- The catch is that the 100% bonus only applies to the 1st and 4th voidling that spawns.

     Still not too sure about this item. It seems interesting but I'll have to see it in action a little bit more often.

Other Stuff

1) Dragon

        So this negatively affects the last few champions who can solo dragon. I also see it making soloing dragon a lot more difficult for champions early game (e.g) Yi who relies on auto attack cancels with his Q. Not a massive change. The attack range change is a little terrifying though because, if a team is trying to force a fight around dragon, you can aggro the dragon and the distance it hits is going to be significantly bigger.

     Alright. So the rest of the content from the patch notes are pretty self explanatory. I don't really need to talk about all that. If you have any questions or comments, hit me up on my facebook page or send me a tweet at @Lilnovalas. Otherwise, toss a comment here and I'll get back to you ASAP. Thanks for reading guys! :D

Patch notes :

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