Monday, January 26, 2015

Match Analysis. Game #2 of Provisionals.

Going to be going for the same style of analysis as the last game. Let's do it. ^_^

Match 1 :

Champion : Lee Sin
Role : Jungle
Build Order :

Runes & Masteries :

Notes :

     This was a pretty irritating game and it tilted me a little bit because it was a game where we were ahead for the vast majority of the game but we ended up throwing the game REALLY hard. Once again, I'm duo queued with the Morgana in this game.

     As usual, when with a Morgana, we call for an invade. I start q on Lee Sin but I normally hold the Q until the binding already hits. In this case, my duo queue partner hits the snare on the Jinx and I land the q, waiting for her to flash but she held her flash. So I took the q and she immediately flashed after. Shortly after, we landed another snare on the Soraka and I landed a q for first blood. It was a VERY successful invade. I went back and purchased an early long sword which snowballed my early game.

     After that early invade, I went for a standard camp -> buff -> camp -> back start where I started Krugs, went to Red, and killed my Wraiths. I went back and immediately rotated bottom lane for another gank. This is because we forced flashes on both of their laners so the kills were free. It was critical that I took advantage of that on an early game jungler as soon as possible. Ezreal secured the kill on the Soraka and I moved on after. Shortly after I moved to go back to farming, our Ezreal secured another kill on the Jinx. Normally, it's good for your AD carry to snowball but I actually feel like if I had received both of those kills, I would have been able to snowball the map more effectively. That being said, it wasn't a terrible trade.

     I went back to farming and took out all the camps on the map. I used the gold to get early map control in the form of boots of speed, a vision ward, and a stealth ward. This is critical in early game jungling because it's very important for you to maintain vision control on the map. That being said, it's still important to go damage on already mobile champions as well if you can actually afford it. But, imho, early boots of speed + vision control is worth more than a long sword on Lee Sin due to his high base damage.

     Back on point, I go for a gank in middle lane because my Nidalee is incredibly low on health and is spamming for assistance. One method of ganking as Lee Sin is to drop a pink ward into one of the river bushes and W into it. This is what I used in this gank. Except I found something I wasn't quite expecting. Pantheon was waiting in the bush with around 60% health. I safeguarded into Pantheon and started to fight him. Kassadin jumped in to try to help him but I managed to keep his passive off, use my q on him, and execute him while getting away. It was very likely that I would die in that scenario except I play a lot of Pantheon so I understand how his passive works. You just need to use an auto to cancel his passive and then proceed to use your skills on him. That's the only reason I survived. Right after, I suicided to Krugs though so it made up for everything. Yes, I'm REALLY bad. :P


     I went for another long sword since I could afford it. I went back to the krugs to take revenge ((I really shouldn't have died there)) and killed my raptors right after. Morgana started pinging about Pantheon and I went to help her out on the catch which secured us a quick kill. It was great vision control on the support's part and allowed us to obtain great vision in their jungle. Right after, we secured dragon. I went back and purchased my Warrior enchantment but, despite all the pressure on the map, I'm still a little behind. I wasn't farming as effectively as I should have been so I was only level 5 at 8 minutes which is pretty horrific.

     I hit level 6 once I took my second red buff and Krugs. Right after, I immediately call for a play in bottom lane. I ward jumped into their tribush behind their turret and told Morgana to land a snare on one of the two enemy laners in bottom lane. She landed the snare on the Soraka and I insec'd her into our team. Because I'm garbage though, I missed the follow up Q. The key thing here is that someone who gets ulted by Lee Sin moves in a straight line so missing the follow up Q takes effort. I ended up having to overstay to take the kill and flash out. Fortunately, I managed to get out and a timely teleport by Lissandra managed to secure a double kill on the enemy team (Pantheon had engaged on us as well). It was a pretty messy fight overall but the only way it could have gone better would have been if I had correctly landed the Q on the Soraka after ulting her. And if that's the only issue, then the fight was almost perfect. Afterwards, we push the turret to get better control on the bottom side of the map.

     On my next back, I purchase mobility boots for map pressure and a ruby crystal for my sightstone and proceed to go back to farming. While rotating towards top lane, Lissandra ended up getting ganked and killed which was unfortunate since I was en route. Fortunately, I found a pick in mid lane in Soraka/Kassadin over extending but almost killed myself to secure the kill on her. Morgana exhausted Kassadin and Nidalee healed me to keep me alive, however. It was an incredibly greedy play on my part but my teammates backed me up.


     After that play, I went back and purchased my sightstone which allowed me to help Morgana on getting exceptional map control. I also swapped out my warding totem for a sweeper since I no longer needed an additional ward. There's a skirmish happening in middle lane but nothing seems to be coming of it at first until Pantheon lands directly on top of Ezreal, instantly killing him. However, between Nidalee and I, we managed to secure a retribution kill. Since the enemy team backed right after that short skirmish, our team pushed middle lane for another turret, putting our team around 5,000 gold ahead.   

     Rotating towards dragon after that fight, Morgana and I start setting up wards on the enemy team's blue side jungle. Remember to do that, as a general rule. If you're planning on doing dragon, set up wards in the enemy's jungle. This applies to baron as well. That vision is incredibly valuable and tells you so much about what's going to happen in a game. Unfortunately, Nidalee ended up getting caught right after Morgana and I left lane. She gave a shut down to the Jinx and my Lee Syndrome ended up getting me killed after I mad life landed a Q on the Kassadin. Fortunately, our Lissandra came into the fray and managed to secure a retribution kill on the Pantheon. This was REALLY awkward and was an example of one of our many throws this game. Never, EVER take a Lee Sin Q into a blind bush. I took the Q, immediately was CC'd by the Pantheon, and killed. If I just backed off after Kassadin riftwalked, I would've lived and not given more gold to the enemy team. 

     After that skirmish, Lissandra and Ezreal together secured a double kill on the enemy team but Ezreal and Morgana ended up getting slaughtered by a Riven flank. Once I spawned, I came to mid lane to cover the lane and managed to insec Pantheon into the turret and then focus on getting objective control around the dragon pit. At this point, we were throwing really hard and it was critical for us to get objectives back on our minds rather than kills. We secured the dragon but, Nidalee ended up overextending and was caught out and killed. I went back to focus on farming because, at this point, I was being set really far behind. After clearing out my bottom side jungle, I went back to start purchasing a more utility focused item set for Lee Sin. I purchased two cloth armors along with a null magic mantle, aiming for a tank Lee Sin rather than any sort of damage. My idea was to rely on the Ezreal, Lissandra, and Nidalee to do the damage and have myself as a front line as well as a utility/peel bot. Later on, I end up regretting my decision to go full tank, however.

     One of our MAJOR throws happens when Nidalee and I go for a play on the seemingly overextended Riven. For one, our team splits into three segments rather than going as one cohesive unit. Second, neither Nidalee nor I do as much burst damage as Riven or Pantheon who shows up later. Now, in this fight, we force Riven to flash but Pantheon catches me out of position and kills me. Also, since our team was split into three units rather than one unit, Ezreal and Lissandra were also caught out of position and killed as well. So we gave the enemy team FOUR free kills for nothing. We literally accomplished nothing except giving the team 1,200 free gold. The ONLY thing we could've done there is to make sure we go as one unit rather than split but, honestly, it wasn't the best idea to send two of our weaker members into a RIVEN and Pantheon. We should have just had Lissandra cover the lane instead. That being said, I also played that fight incredibly poorly. I missed my Q which should've been my queue to back up rather than flash and then ward jump over the wall and spontaneously kick the Riven. Overall, it was a horrific performance from me and a mediocre performance by the team.

     Because of that poor fight, we gave the enemy team 1,200 free gold along with a free middle tier 1 turret (an additional 700+ gold). In a few minutes, we had gone from a 5,000 gold advantage to the enemy team having a 500 gold advantage. I went back to focusing on farming for a short while and our team began to group mid due to another skirmish happening. I rotated towards them because I needed to be there in case a fight did break out but we ended up disengaging instead because Morgana was getting poked down. In this case, it was critical that we disengaged because, if we were caught in a 4v5 scenario, it was likely that the game would be over due to how much the enemy team would have snowballed off of that.

     The next play would be centered around the bottom side of the map, mainly because the dragon buff would be spawning soon. This play began because Pantheon and Jinx dove our Ezreal under his turret. Lissandra teleported in and I waddled over. We managed to secure a kill on the Pantheon REALLY early on and their team began to flank in on us. Fortunately, our Morgana and Nidalee rotated down to help our team out and we managed to secure a kill on the Kassadin as well, a 2 for 1 in the end. Shortly after, the enemy team's Riven tried to dive us but ended up killing herself, making it a 3 for 1 along with the 3rd dragon of the game. Though unfortunately, while attempting to disengage, two of us were killed by the Kassadin right after killing dragon.

     At this point, our team began to push the inner tier 2 bottom lane turret. While doing so, I focused on shoving out middle lane but came to participate in the ensuing teamfight in the enemy's blue side jungle. In the fight, we managed to secure two kills which resulted in a push through middle lane. The interesting bit about this fight is how little the enemy team reacted. We not only pushed the inner tier 2 turret in mid lane but we also pushed the inhibitor turret as well as the inhibitor. Eventually, the enemy team retaliated but it was mainly the Pantheon initiating onto us and I insec'd him into our team for a quick kill due to his poor itemization. We called for a disengage right after but our team overstayed and Ezreal/Lissandra were picked off by the Kassadin, another HUGE mistake, giving their effective lategame team even more gold.

     After going back, I purchased a spectre's cowl and a kindlegem, building towards a spirit visage. I went towards baron to quickly place a ward and then went to shove top lane but our team was engaged upon in middle lane by Pantheon. Morgana immediately died, rendering the ensuing fight a 4v5. The key issue in the next engagement is all because we had no Morgana. Instead of even attempting to fight, we SHOULD have cut our losses, backed, and gave up the dragon. But, we ended up killing ourselves and giving the enemy team an absurd amount of gold, nearly setting the game in their favor once again. In the end, I even missed my smite and killed myself for the dragon, officially setting the game in their favor. If we just backed and sat under our turret to defend, we would've remained 5,000 gold in the lead but we gave that much gold back to them in one teamfight.

     At this point, Morgana gets some vision control around Baron and we quickly figure out it's not warded so we begin to attempt rushing it down. Riven get's some inkling and ends up warding it around 40% so we call to rush it down so Pantheon uses his ultimate on top of us. This actually results in a teamfight that originally began in our favor as we effectively kited the enemy team back but then ended with our team being very nearly aced. Shortly after, our Nidalee went back in and suicide killed the Kassadin for an ace. Honestly, Baron was a desperation play from our team. It wasn't the best decision and it would've been nice if Riven hadn't guessed we were doing it. After that play, the enemy team was officially in the lead by 1,000 gold. The difference between junglers also began to show in that last teamfight with how little damage I was doing in comparison to the Pantheon. I was ONLY being used for utility so I couldn't do as much at all.


     Shortly after, our team grouped in the middle lane against their team for a quick skirmish. Unfortunately, I was engaged upon by the Pantheon but I managed to insec him into our team. The issue with this was that we killed the Pantheon instantly by popping all of our CDs on him.... which in turn resulted in our entire team being decimated by the lategame Kassadin and Riven. It was very nearly an ace, once again. Our team just couldn't keep up with the amount of damage output from the enemy team.

     At this point, the game was REALLY sliding towards the enemy team's favor. The enemy team pushed down our middle lane inhibitor turret but went back right after. I did see an opportunity here because the enemy team had no timer on the last dragon. So I snuck into the dragon pit via our bottom side red jungle and tried to solo it. Unfortunately, Kassadin caught me in the act but I managed to disengage before anything serious happened. The enemy team ended up securing their 2nd dragon of the game off that. Shortly after, Morgana was caught but Nidalee had been throwing spears the entire time to chunk their health bars. This resulted in a clean ace by our team when they attempted to push down our inhibitor and we pushed towards their nexus turret. 

     In this next engagement, I made a MASSIVE fuckup where we made a catch on the Riven after a long, extended fight. The enemy team realized that we didn't take baron after taking their nexus turret so they immediately rushed it down. They QUICKLY took it and disengaged but Lissandra and I managed to get a catch on Riven. When Riven was almost dead, I ulted her to execute her but she lived with literally 10 health. That actually really screwed us because if she were to have died, the following engagement would have been 4v5 and we most likely would have won the game.

     At this point, we're in a precarious situation. The enemy team has baron and all of their members whereas we have no baron. So we take the opportunity off their backs to secure vision in our jungle and make sure we don't get cheesed. Unfortunately, the enemy team was there in time and managed to snag a kill on our support and almost kill me alongside my entire team. However, they ended up attempting to turret dive us and we managed to secure a double kill for our Ezreal and see if we could push for the win. Unfortunately, in the final fight, we did a very piss poor engagement where we, once again, burst everything on the Pantheon. In this case, Kassadin and Riven ripped us a new one and ended the game shortly after. It was a pretty depressing ending.

     So the key thing this game was just how often we threw with poor decision making. Our team was INCREDIBLY ahead in the early game. We had nearly an 8,000 gold lead at sub 20 minutes, a game that most people would forfeit without hesitation. But we suicided multiple times with incredibly poor decision making. Key events of note are getting caught out of position when your teammates leave, not staying together as a cohesive group, and giving multiple shutdowns to hyper carries on the enemy team. If those free kills never happened, this game would have been won incredibly easily. Our team just made too many silly blunders.

     Anyways, thanks for reading guys! I hope you enjoyed my analysis of my second game of my 10 provisional games! It was a defeat, unfortunately, but there'll be many more games to come! I'll be posting my 3rd game on the 29th at 12pm est! If you have any questions or comments, make sure to send me a message on my Facebook page or send me a tweet at @Lilnovalas. You can also leave a comment here! See you guys soon!


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