Monday, January 5, 2015

Hi friends!

Match 1 : 
Champion : Wukong
Role : Jungle
Build Order : 
Runes & Masteries : 

Notes :  

       In this game, the key to victory was listening to my Disney playlist on Spotify. Honestly, I was a little bit tilted from a few games after coming back from my trip but Disney is the key to rage, I feel.

       Started this game off with a camp -> buff -> camp to get to level 3 since Wukong gets chunked pretty hard if you try to go buff -> camp -> buff -> gank. So I did camp -> buff -> camp -> back -> buff. At this point, I was on top side after retrieving my blue buff and managed to snag an early kill on the overextended Master Yi. I went up and around to avoid the river ward that he placed and flanked him for a gank. The only issue in this gank is that I greeded for the kill and randomly flashed despite Riven having secured the kill. So it was just a waste of a summoner spell. Other then that mistake, there were some key things I did right this game. The main things were repeatedly ganking the Master Yi since he burned his flash, maintaining vision control on the enemy's red side jungle so I could effectively countergank top-side and let Riven continue snowballing, and setting up plays on the mid lane with the Riven ; communicating exactly what we're supposed to do (e.g. TP into mid lane as I ping Vel'Koz). After every kill, I applied pressure on turrets and took neutral objectives. For instance, shortly after my 3 man gank in mid lane, I had Riven and Malzahar go to dragon and quickly take it with me. Afterwards, since the enemy bottom lane wasn't paying attention, we 5 manned bottom lane and snowballed the lane into our favor. Shortly after, we had one more teamfight where the combo between Wukong ultimate and Alistar knockup resulted in a quick ace. We ended up winning the game around 24 minutes to a surrender shortly after that game.

     In top lane when we killed Master Yi, I sort of screwed up and wasted flash which is actually a pretty critical mistake. Shortly after, I tried to gank mid lane but Lee Sin was there so I started skirmishing with him. Since I had no flash though, Vel'Koz ended up getting to me before my Malzahar did and I gave up a double kill with Malzahar. Another huge mistake was my third death where I dove into a 5 man teamfight with my ultimate. The mistake I made was that I forgot to hit my ultimate. Doing that actually nearly lost us the teamfight except our Riven was so fed that she compensated for my derp. 

     Other then that, the main problems with this game was that I had some lapses in judgement and accidentally wasted my summoner spells. Other then that, I did pretty good maintaining vision control and pressuring lanes/neutral objectives. 

Match 2 :
Champion : Rek'Sai
Role : Jungle
Build Order : 
Runes & Masteries : 

Notes : 

     I ended up duoing with one my lower elo friends for this game but it was still a pretty tough match. This is an example of a game where no one raged at each other despite poor play from several members.

     To start this game off, I managed to snag Rek'Sai which is a pick or ban in almost every ranked game right now. In the loading screen, I determined how I'd be ganking by looking at the enemies summoner spells. In this case, Fiora had no escape summoner so I camped her lane relatively hard. I managed to get around 5 successful ganks in the early game which snowballed both myself and Gangplank. Meanwhile, our Tryndamere was losing mid lane very hard but instead of attempting to help him out, I focused on continuing pressuring lanes that were winning. So, I focused top as much as possible to get gold to compensate for Tryndamere's deaths. Once I was strong enough, I would focus on getting picks in the game but it was relatively difficult due to the enemy champion's being very powerful in 1v1 or 1v2 situations. What ended up happening was that the enemy team managed to secure 5 dragons from their pressure as well as securing baron. However, instead of giving up, our team stalled out and let them try to dive us in unfavorable situations. One such dive was under our tier 2 top lane turret where they dove in on 3 of us and all died. It was a clean ace. Another dive was where we let them dive under our nexus turrets. For some reason, they ignored the nexus turret damage and tried to dive us but they received no kills. Instead, we counter killed Fiora and then pushed the mid lane out. Shortly after, as 5, we snuck into their jungle and caught Varus trying to take his red buff. Keep in mind that at this point, it was late game and almost everyone had 6 items so kill differentials were irrelevant. We forced a teamfight, killed Varus instantly, and pushed off that to win the game.

     I made a lot of mistakes this game but the key one is that despite acknowledging Fiora's lack of escape summoner, I didn't take advantage of it until around level 5 which was a lot of missed out pressure. Another critical mistake was that I didn't properly deep ward for our Tryndamere (though I really don't think he would've cared about ward coverage tbh). I also feel like I didn't gank bottom lane effectively once I was strong enough. The main problem, though, was that I didn't maintain dragon control with my support and they ended up securing 5 dragons which REALLY made the game hard. In addition, I also suicided a few times trying to steal dragon which was REALLY silly.

    Overall, the game was pretty fun. There was a lot of throwing back and forth but, eventually, it was a matter of just waiting for the enemy to outplay themselves and then catching one of them out with vision control. 

     Alright guys, that's all for now. I'm working on a new post designed to teach new junglers how to gank effectively while also staying close to solo laners in experience. It should be out in a week or two though it might be delayed depending on when the season officially starts. If you have any questions or comments, comment here or tweet me at @Lilnovalas. Thanks for reading!

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