Saturday, December 13, 2014

Meh. Just one game.

Match 1 :
Champion : Diana
Role : Top 
Build Order : 
Runes & Masteries : 

Notes : 

     This game was interesting. The issue for me is that for top lane, I'm only really accustomed to playing Diana, Gnar, and Rengar. Rengar and Gnar both get destroyed by Irelia so I went ahead with Diana who I feel is a relatively strong pick. In this case, I made a few critical mistakes that diminished my ability to carry this game. 

     So starting off in laning, the game went smoothly. I run attackspeed in my runes & masteries to trade effectively utilizing my passive. So basically, every time that Irelia would jump on me, I turn, press my W, and auto attack a few times to trade. It normally results in me winning trades until Irelia builds magic resist. Early game, I was winning pretty hard until I lost flash advantage. Basically, I lost my flash advantage because Irelia used teleport to head to bot lane. I attempted to flash onto Irelia to use my E and interrupt her teleport. However, I was a little silly and it resulted in a missed E. She teleported out and got a kill bot lane. When she came back, she had a huge advantage over me and I realized this. So I began to focus on farming with my Q. If I tried to farm with auto attacks, she would jump onto me and kill me. Once I had enough gold for my rod of ages, I went back to buy it. Afterwards, I teleported back to top lane, jumped on Irelia to bait a fight, and killed her. Unfortunately, I didn't watch my ward and Jax got a free kill on me. 

     The key mistake I made here is that I wasted my teleport for a kill on Irelia. A minute later, Irelia had a teleport advantage on me and put pressure bot lane to secure the first dragon. Instead of rotating down, I stayed top lane which was a bad call. Instead, I should have came down to help contest the dragon. That's when the game quickly snowballed out of control. I didn't roam anywhere near as effectively and Irelia had a lot more presence all over the map. 

     The main things I did right was establish dominance over my lane after I got my rod of ages. I managed to get a solo kill on her and then proceed to freeze the lane on her (as best as I could with Diana passive). I also tp'd bottom lane when I had it up for a quick double kill for myself. Other then that, I made more mistakes than any real impact this game. 

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